With nvidia-docker2, it is now possible to change your default docker runtime to nvidia, instead of runc. This means you can use any docker tool (e.g. docker-compose) and get GPUs visible inside your containers by default.

nvidia-docker v2 depends on libnvidia-container which is still just an alpha release. So, use these instructions at your own risk, and think carefully about the security implications before using this in production.


Follow these instructions.

For arch linux, you can use this AUR package.

Setting the default runtime

# Update the default configuration and restart
pushd $(mktemp -d)
(sudo cat /etc/docker/daemon.json 2>/dev/null || echo '{}') | \
    jq '. + {"default-runtime": "nvidia"}' | \
    tee tmp.json
sudo mv tmp.json /etc/docker/daemon.json
sudo systemctl restart docker

# No need for nvidia-docker or --engine=nvidia
docker run --rm -it nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi